Permissionless Apprenticeship: Takeaways from Jack Butcher’s Course

Kasia Manolas
4 min readJan 25, 2021
Created by Jack Butcher at Visualize Value

Jack Butcher is building an online empire.

His latest course is called Permissionless Apprenticeship. He’s seen this method work many times both for himself and other online creators. He starts the course with an inspiring reminder:

“We’re living in times of unprecedented opportunity, and hope to encourage you to participate in this era of permissionless creativity with us.”

It’s true. The Internet offers unprecedented opportunities to connect with people, build networks, sell, and scale. As creators, we have to leverage this unique and massive opportunity sitting right in front of us.

The Philosophy Behind Permissionless Apprenticeship

The internet is big. 4.5 billion people have access, so as a creator, access to an audience is not the problem. We can knock on any door we like. But the only way to connect with an audience is to provide value.

A lot of people think the market is too saturated, but the Internet is just getting started. We’ve been living through a wild experience and it’s just the beginning. The Internet truly offers us unprecedented opportunity.

If you’re reading this, you’re a go-getter, motivated, and engaged. You are the…

